Funding and grants

The University of Stirling offers a range of grants and funding to help you grow your business. Get the capital you need to support growth and innovation and take your business to the next level. 

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP)

If you have an idea but need the expertise to develop it, then we can help with a Knowledge Transfer Partnership.

Fully funded BSc (Hons) Graduate Apprenticeship in Data Science

Fully funded earn-as-you-learn opportunities in practical, work-based learning for those who aspire to be a data scientist or analyst. 

90% funded Help to Grow: Management Course

90% funded course designed for SME senior managers seeking to boost their business’s performance, resilience and long-term growth. 

Management Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (mKTP)

Increase the effectiveness of your organisation and improve results through better management processes and strategic change.

Interface funding

Business support to power up your innovative ideas with funding support from Innovate UK. 

Third-party support agencies and sources of grants and funding

There are many other ways to secure funding for your business. Check out, which is a central resource with information about funding and assistance from Scottish agencies.

Alloa First is a business-led initiative where businesses work together with the sole objective of collectively investing in the town centre with the aim of creating a brighter future for the business environment.

Alloa First

These funding guides help you decide whether you need business funding, where to find it, how much you might need, and what it could cost you to repay. 

Business Gateway Funding and Finance Guidance

The Business Improvement District (BID) covering 10 business parks throughout Clackmannanshire. The Clacksfirst BID works collectively with local partners to create a safer, cleaner and more attractive business working and trading environment. 

Clacksfirst Ltd

Clackmannanshire and Stirling Environment Trust will consider applications across all types of projects included in the SLCF. May include land reclamation, community recycling, public amenities and parks, biodiversity and historic buildings. 

Clackmannanshire and Stirling Environment Trust

Creative Scotland's Open Fund for Individuals is one of Creative Scotland’s key funding programmes, supporting the wide range of activities by creative practitioners in Scotland. You can apply for between £500 and £100,000 for activities lasting up to 24 months. 

Creative Scotland: Open Fund for Individuals

Federation of Small Businesses Scotland (FSB) is the UK's largest campaigning pressure group promoting and protecting the interests of the self-employed and owners of small businesses. FSB provide a wide range of business services to members. 

Federation of Small Businesses Scotland

Falkirk Council grants and funding are available for businesses in the council area. 

Falkirk Council grants and funding

Offers funding and support across all academic disciplines and industrial areas. They help businesses grow by developing and commercialising new products, processes, and services, supported by an outstanding innovation ecosystem that is agile, inclusive, and easy to navigate. 

Innovate UK - UKRI funding

A range of funds are available for community-led activity, young people, people facing challenging circumstances and urban and rural communities. 

National Lottery Funding Programmes

A range of funding programmes for projects that connect people and communities to the national, regional and local heritage of the UK.  

National Lottery Heritage Fund

Supports manufacturers to help them secure a range of funding opportunities in order to solve problems and develop solutions.

The National Manufacturing Institute Scotland

Scottish Enterprise can help your business navigate the funding landscape in Scotland. It can offer support to help your business find and access the right funding, and in some cases offer its own funding.

Scottish Enterprise funding and grants 

Regional Selective Assistance (RSA)

The Scottish Enterprise Regional Selective Assistance grant helps projects that create or protect jobs in areas of Scotland. The level of grant offered depends on the location of your project and the size of your business. 

SLCF is a tax credit scheme linked to Scottish Landfill Tax that encourages landfill site operators to provide contributions to Approved Bodies, who can then pass the funds onto community and environmental projects. 

Scottish Landfill Communities Fund

Funding Scotland is a service provided by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations to provide access to funding opportunities in Scotland. It is free to use, providing search of over 1,300 funding opportunities including grants, loans, prizes and other support. 

SCVO Funding Scotland

Grant support is offered to a variety of voluntary organisations every year. This is intended to assist local initiatives, encourage environmental improvement and promote community activities. 

Stirling Council Voluntary Organisations Grants and Funding

Zero Waste Scotland is committed to supporting businesses to implement circular innovations and recognises the transformational impact that grant support can have as projects move towards commercialisation.  

Zero Waste Scotland Circular Economy Accelerator and funding

Business grant and funding support for net zero targets

Provides funding to develop innovative solutions for renewable hydrogen production, storage and distribution, as well as the development of test and demonstration facilities in Scotland. 

Emerging Energy Technologies Fund - The Hydrogen Innovation Scheme

£17.6 million available for projects that can develop green heat solutions or have ideas to boost manufacturing and R&D in this area. The Green Heat Innovation Support Programme (GHISP) provides support through large R&D and capital grant funding, feasibility study support, and CAN DO Innovation Challenge funding. 

Green Heat Innovation Support Programme

This Scottish Government fund will support projects that have the potential to create low carbon heat solutions for buildings. Its support will focus on projects that are in development in order to create a pipeline for future deployment and viable business cases that support the energy sector and supply chain.

Heat in Buildings Development Funding

Scottish Government funding for businesses in Scotland to help pay for energy efficiency projects. Loans up to £100k are available to help you pay for energy and carbon-saving upgrades in your business. You could also receive a cashback grant of up to £30k. 

SME Loan Scheme

Business research grants and funding working with academia

The Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC)'s Feasibility projects provide members with the opportunity to tap into the expertise of Scotland’s academics to assist with a biotech-focused proof of concept study to support a future funding application for a larger scale research work programme. 

IBioIC Feasibility Funding

The Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC) offers funding for collaborative biotechnology projects that link Scottish academics and industry. The funding covers access to university facilities on a fee-for-service basis at an academic rate.

IBioIC Facilities Access Fund

Offer funding and support across all academic disciplines and industrial areas from the medical and biological sciences to astronomy, physics, chemistry and engineering, social sciences, economics, environmental sciences, and the arts and humanities.

UKRI - UK Research and innovation funding finder for business and academia

This is a research and development (R&D) grant for small and medium-sized businesses that aims to support high risk, highly ambitious projects. It covers conducting feasibility studies to show how ideas could work in the real world and supports activities that have a commercial endpoint.