Forth Climate Forest

The Forth Climate Forest is the largest tree-planting initiative in the Forth Valley Area. We work with land managers, communities and partner organisations to plant 16 million trees by 2033.

Our themes

The Forth Climate Forest focusses on four themes to help tackle climate change and biodiversity loss, The themes are Communities, Canopy, Connectivity and Carbon. 


Provide opportunities for communities to take action against climate change and biodiversity loss. By adapting neighbourhoods to adverse effects of climate change we can make neighbourhoods vibrant and more resilient.

By 2033 we aim to:

  • Increase knowledge and appreciation within communities and stakeholders of the importance of trees in combating climate change and biodiversity loss.
  • Empower communities to take action, creating liveable places by planting and maintaining trees in their neighbourhoods.
  • Train and support teams of volunteer tree wardens across the Forth Valley.


Make towns and cities better adapted to extreme weather events by increasing the amount of tree canopy in urban areas.

You can find out more about our canopy analysis work by reading our canopy story map.

By 2033 we aim to: 

  • Increase the average canopy cover across the region’s urban environment from 15% to 20%.
  • Initially focus our efforts in neighbourhoods where increasing the proportion of tree canopy will deliver the greatest benefits.


Create a network of connected woodlands where wildlife can thrive. You can find out more about our connectivity analysis work by reading our connectivity story map.

By 2033 we aim to:

  • Increase area of connected woodland habitats by 20%.
  • Create 60 new woodland connections. This expand the area of broadleaf habitat network from 2270ha to 2724 ha.


Plant new woodlands which will absorb carbon and help achieve net zero targets.

By 2033 we aim to:

  • Increase overall woodland cover by 3%, from 22% to 25% by creating 8000 ha of new woodland or planting 16 million trees.

How to get involved

Everyone can contribute to the Forth Climate Forest: businesses, private and public landowners, public bodies, home owners, volunteers, community groups, schools.

There are opportunities for:

  • businesses to sponsor or help fund local action, offset your carbon footprint, enhance your corporate social responsibility;
  • residents to plant trees in their gardens;
  • communities, groups and schools to organise or take part in tree planting or tree care.

Watch Douglas Worrall talk about the Forth Climate Forest.

Our vision

Our vision for the Forth Valley is that:

  • by creating opportunities for local action, substantial new tree and woodland planting across the Forth Valley Area has empowered local communities;
  • the role these new trees play in tackling climate change and biodiversity loss is understood and local people value and look after them;
  • neighbourhoods are better adapted to cope with extreme weather events, there is a network of connected woodlands where wildlife can thrive and we are on track to achieve net zero targets.

Further information

Forth Climate Forest Baseline Report

You can find out more about how and why the Forth Climate Forest was established in the Forth Climate Forest Baseline Report.

The Forth Climate Forest is a partnership hosted by the University of Stirling’s Scotland's International Environment Centre which aims to drive a net zero regional economy.

Forth Climate Forest Concordat

The forest will be delivered by Stirling, Clackmannanshire and Falkirk Councils and Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park.

You can find out more about this partnership in the Forth Climate Forest Concordat.

Contact us

Contact the Scotland’s International Environment Centre.