Happy to Chat Bench

Prescribing Culture

The Art Collection is committed to supporting our students and staff by providing a welcoming environment with opportunities to meet others and engage in activities to promote wellbeing

  • Gardening: students and staff are invited to help renovate one of the Pathfoot courtyards. More information on Eventbrite.
  • Forest Bathing: Forest bathing, or Shinrin-yoku, is the practice of immersing yourself in nature. These sessions are led by Cath Wright of Highland Quietlife. Check our events page for upcoming dates or visit our forest bathing page for guides and further information.
  • Play me Piano: The piano, which was decorated for us by artist Sara Greenwood, is available in the Pathfoot Crush Hall to be played by all.
  • Happy to chat bench: The Art Collection has installed this bench in the Pathfoot Building.  The idea is that staff, students and visitors to the University can sit on the bench if they don’t mind someone stopping by to say hello.  For people who feel isolated in their daily lives, such benches are an opportunity to make a connection with someone new.
  • Sculpture: During 2020 three students recorded some reflections about the sculpture on campus. Listen to them here.
  • Peace be With You: Heidi and Peter Gardner worked with a Peacemakers Loom - visitors were invited to join the artists in a repetitive, simple action of knitting and to building peace through actions and kind words. Read more about this event.