Apply online for a Postgraduate course
Apply for one of our postgraduate courses by selecting from the list below or navigate using the following subject areas.
- Accounting and finance
- Aquaculture
- Biology
- Business and management
- Computer science and software engineering
- Criminology
- Data science and data analytics
- Economics
- English and literature
- Environmental science
- Film and media studies
- Geography
- Health and allied subjects
- History
- Humanities
- Journalism and publishing
- Languages and TESOL
- Law
- Marketing and public relations
- Mathematics
- Nursing
- Philosophy and religion
- Politics
- Psychology
- Social studies
- Sport
- Teaching and education
Accounting and finance
- MSc Banking and Finance (TDX44-DBF)
- MSc Finance (TDX44-FIN)
- MSc Finance and Data Analytics (TDX44-FINDA)
- MSc Finance and Risk Management (TDX44-FINRM)
- MSc Financial Technology (FinTech) (TDX44-FNT)
- MSc International Accounting and Finance (TDX44-IAF)
- MSc Investment Analysis (TDX44-INV)
- MSc Aquatic Pathobiology (TDX44-AQP)
- MSc Aquatic Veterinary Studies (TDX44-AVS)
- MSc Sustainable Aquaculture (TDX44-AQU)
Business and management
- Master of Research in Business and Management (TDX47-BSM)
- MSc Behavioural Science (TDX44-BS)
- MSc Business Analytics (TDX44-BA)
- MSc Business and Management (TDX44-BSM)
- MSc Data Science (TDX44-DSB)
- MSc Human Resource Management (TDX44-HRM)
- MSc International Business (TDX44-IBU)
Computer science and software engineering
- MSc Advanced Computing with Artificial Intelligence (TDX44-ACAI)
- MSc Artificial Intelligence (TDX44-AI)
Data science and data analytics
- MSc Artificial Intelligence (TDX44-AI)
- MSc Big Data (TDX44-BIG)
- MSc Big Data (Online) (TDO44-BIG)
- MSc Business Analytics (TDX44-BA)
- MSc Data Science (TDX44-DSB)
- MSc Finance and Data Analytics (TDX44-FINDA)
- MSc Financial Technology (FinTech) (TDX44-FNT)
- MSc Marketing Analytics (TDX44-MKTA)
- MSc Mathematics and Data Science (TDX44-MDS)
- MSc Social Statistics and Social Research (TDX44-ASRSSR)
- Professional Doctorate Data Science (DDX70-DS)
English and literature
Environmental science
- LLM International Energy and Environmental Law (TDX50-ELCEJ)
- MSc Environmental Management (TDX44-ENM)
- MSc Environmental Remote Sensing and Geospatial Sciences (TDX44-ERSGS)
Film and media studies
- MRes Media Research (TDX47-MER)
- MSc Digital Media and Society (TDX44-DMC)
- MSc Media Management (TDX44-MMA)
Health and allied subjects
- Doctor of Nursing (DDX70-NUR)
- Doctor of Midwifery (DDX70-MID)
- Doctor of Professional Health Studies (DDX70-HST)
- MPH Master of Public Health (TDX40-MPH)
- MPH Public Health (Online) (TDO40-MPH)
- MRes Health Research (Online) (TDO47-HLT)
- MSc Advancing Practice (TDO44-AVP)
- Postgraduate Diploma Dementia Studies (TDO45-DEM)
- MSc Gerontology and Global Ageing (Online) (TDO44-GGAG)
- MSc Physiotherapy (pre-registration) (TDX44-PHY)
- MSc Podiatry (pre-registration) (TDX44-POD)
- MSc Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (Health Visiting) (TDX44-SCPHN)
- PGCert Design for Dementia and Ageing (TDO46-DDA)
- MRes Historical Research (TDX47-HTR)
- MSc Gender and Diplomatic Practice (TDX44-GDP)
- MSc Heritage (TDX44-HER)
- MSc Historical Research (TDX44-HTR)
Journalism and publishing
- MLitt Publishing Studies (TDX43-PUB)
- MLitt Genders and Sexualities (TDX43-GNDS)
- MSc Genders and Sexualities (TDX44-GNDS)
- MRes Publishing Studies (TDX47-PUB)
- MSc International Journalism (TDX44-INJ)
Languages and TESOL
- MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (TDX44-TES)
- MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (Online) (TDO44-TSL)
- PhD TESOL Research (DDX70-TSL)
- LLM International Energy and Environmental Law (TDX50-ELCEJ)
- MSc Human Rights and Diplomacy (TDX44-HUMDIP)
- LLM Human Rights and Diplomacy (TDX50-HUMDIP)
Marketing and public relations
- MSc Digital Marketing and Brand Management (TDX44-DMKTBM)
- MSc Marketing (TDX44-MKT)
- MSc Marketing Analytics (TDX44-MKTA)
- MSc Public Relations and Strategic Communication (TDX44-PRSC)
- MSc Public Relations and Strategic Communication (Online) (TDO44-PRSC)
- MSc Strategic Public Relations (online) (TDO44-SPO)
- MSc Strategic Communication and Public Relations (Joint Degree PFU Barcelona) (TDX44-SCP)
- Doctor of Nursing (DDX70-NUR)
- Doctor of Midwifery (DDX70-MID)
- Doctor of Professional Health Studies (DDX70-HST)
- MSc Advancing Practice (TDO44-AVP)
- MSc Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (Health Visiting) (TDX44-SCPHN)
- MPP Public Policy (TDX40-PUP)
- MSc Gender and Diplomatic Practice (TDX44-GDP)
- MSc Global Politics (TDX44-GLP)
- MSc International Conflict and Cooperation (TDX44-ICC)
- MA Human Animal Interaction (TDX52-HAI)
- MSc Human Animal Interaction (TDX44-HAI)
- MSc Autism Research (TDX44-AUR)
- MSc Health Psychology (TDX44-HPS)
- MSc Health Psychology (Discontinuous Study) (TDX44-HPD)
- MSc Psychological Research Methods (General) (TDX44-PRM)
- MSc Psychology (accredited conversion course) (TDX44-PSY)
- MSc Psychology of Sport (Accredited) (TDX44-PSA)
- Professional Doctorate Health Psychology (DDX70-HPS)
Social studies
- Doctor of Applied Social Research (Applied Social Science) (DDX70-ASRASS)
- Doctor of Applied Social Research (Housing) (DDX70-ASRHOU)
- Doctor of Applied Social Research (Social Work) (DDX70-ASRSWK)
- Doctor of Applied Social Research (Dementia) (DDX70-ASRDEM)
- Doctor of Applied Social Research (Criminal Justice) (DDX70-ASRCJS)
- Doctor of Applied Social Research (Substance Use) (DDX70-ASRSU)
- Doctorate of Applied Social Research (Family Therapy) (DDX70-ASRFT)
- MSc Applied Professional Studies (TDX44-APP)
- MSc Applied Social Research (TDX44-ASR)
- MSc Gerontology and Global Ageing (Online) (TDO44-GGAG)
- Postgraduate Diploma Housing Studies (TDO44PHOU)
- MSc Dissertation Housing Studies (TDO44-HOU)
- MSc Housing Studies (with internship) (TDO45-HOUINT)
- MSc Social Statistics and Social Research (TDX44-ASRSSR)
- MSc Social Work Studies (TDX44-SWK)
- MSc Substance Use (TDO44-SBU)
- MSc Physiotherapy (pre-registration) (TDX44-PHY)
- MSc Podiatry (pre-registration) (TDX44-POD)
- MSc Psychology of Sport (Accredited) (TDX44-PSA)
- MSc Sport Management (TDX44-SPM)
- MSc Sport Nutrition (IOC Diploma) (TDX44-SPN)
- MSc Performance Coaching (TDO44-SPPFC)
Teaching and education
- Doctor of Education (EdD) (DDX70-EDU)
- MRes Educational Research (TDX47-EDU)
- (TDX44-EDU)
- MSc Educational Leadership (Specialist Qualification for Headship) (TDX44-ELQ)
- MSc Management and English Language Teaching (TDX44-ELM)
- MSc Professional Education and Leadership (TDX44-PED)
- MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (TDX44-TES)
- MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (Online) (TDO44-TSL)