Top award for Stirling team tackling gender-based violence
The University of Stirling and the Students’ Union have received special recognition for their collaborative work to tackle sexual and gender-based violence.
The University of Stirling and the Students’ Union have received special recognition for their collaborative work to tackle sexual and gender-based violence.
The Sexual Violence and Misconduct Liaison Officer (SVMLO) team were bestowed the Team Innovation Award at the inaugural UK LimeLight Awards – which celebrate the excellence, dedication and commitment of those working in higher education to support victims of sexual violence.
The Team Innovation Award recognises and rewards teams that are leading the way in the provision of SVMLO services and delivering innovative practice.
Jill Stevenson, the University’s Dean for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, picked up the award from the Victims’ Commissioner for England and Wales, Dame Vera Baird QC, at a ceremony in London.
Ms Stevenson said: “This is a fantastic tribute to the SVMLOs, who are drawn from student-facing teams across the University and the Students' Union.
“This award recognises the development of the supporting infrastructure and our collaborative, whole university approach to tackling gender based violence and misconduct. It also recognises our work to link up support and reporting processes, and our comprehensive communications and awareness-raising programme.”
The SVMLO team at Stirling comprises specially trained staff – from both the University and Students’ Union – who provide guidance and support to any member of the University community affected by sexual or gender-based violence.
In 2017, the University and Students’ Union won the Partnership Award at The Herald Higher Education Awards for their Preventing and Tackling Sexual Violence and Misconduct Strategy.
The University has recently announced a new partnership with Forth Valley Rape Crisis, to provide additional support for those who have experienced any form of sexual violence.
The LimeLight Awards are organised by LimeCulture, which works closely with universities across the UK to provide a range of training and development opportunities around tackling sexual violence. The inaugural ceremony took place as part of the Sexual Violence Liaison Officer Conference on Tuesday 10 December.
For more information on the University’s SVMLOs – including details on how to make contact with the team – visit their website.